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Escape Game: The Basement Plot (Free)

Saturday night, sleepless night, I browsed my iphone and found this AppNavi apps with few 'Escape games',  indeed I downloaded few days ago but haven't start playing, then, I started. I was stuck in some points and found a forum inside the AppNavi about the game, some points are helpful but in general it's not that organized. I gave up that night and continued by the next day, with helps from the forum of course. Here are some TIPS I got, hope it helps those still get stuck in it~

1) BOARD: Go under the stairs, click the top white wooden box, take the BOARD. Go to the door, use the BOARD to pin the door.

2) WIRE: Go to the preserved foods shelf, click the Pasta, click again on the left one, take a piece of 'WIRE' 

3) PEN: Click the green chair, swift it under the fan, click once the button (must see: The button is lit) and the green fan body (must see: it's a fan, it's good for when it gets hot.). Go to the back of the stairs, click on the middle stairs (3rd one count from the bottom), you can see the fan through the stairs gap. Go back to the fan, press down the 1,2,5 button only, fan stops, get the pen.

4) MEMO: Go to the orange brick, use WIRE, take out a MEMO. Highlight the MEMO in your stock list, press item, open it, can see a picture, count the numbers of branches inside the picture. 

5) SPRAY BOTTLE: Go back under the stairs, click the top white wooden box, press 3325 (number of the branches in the MEMO), then 'enter', get the SPRAY BOTTLE.

6) WINE BOTTLE: Go to the table, click each table legs until you see 'l,i,e,'. Click the top of the table, click all 4 corners to see the 'marks'.  Go to the wine cellar, key in 'lie' as password. Take out the WINE BOTTLE.

7) PLIERS: Go to the white cabinet, click the bottom of it, see the PLIERS.

8) RED CLOTH : Combine the 'WIRE' and 'PEN', made the wire into a spring shape, then click the PLIERS, make the PLIERS holds the spring shape WIRE, close the icon. Pick the 'WINE BOTTLE', open with the PLIERS & WIRE. Here you go the red cloth.

9) BATTERY: Click the left upper corner of the red cabinet, again click the left corner at the back of the red cabinet twice, take out the BATTERY.

10) MOBILE: Highlight the RED CLOTH as an item, use the SPRAY BOTTLE, see one set of code "*0630#". Highlight the WIRE, click the PLIERS once to make the "L shape WIRE', click the PLIERS again, make the PLIERS holds the L shape WIRE. Go to the red curtain, click the left corner to open it, click the right corner to close it. Go to the 'orange brick', use the PLIERS + L shape WIRE on the war, take out the MOBILE. (Other blogger advised that RED CLOTH is required as well)

11) PICHI paper: Hold the MOBILE as an item, combine with the BATTERY, click until you see the front side of the MOBILE (quite hard to me....), open it, use the RED CLOTH to it, a message appears on the screen "right 3 left 2". Go to the upper red cabinet, press right 3 left 2 + enter, take out the PICHI paper.

12) BERRIES & WATERING CAN (CAN): Go to the top of the red cabinet, pick the BERRIES with CAN. 

13) KNIFE: Click the CAN as an item, press once, BERRIES separated from the CAN. Press the CAN again, see  "CHI" at the bottom of it. Go to the white cabinet, pick 'The Handbook on Plants', open it. Go to the item list again, pick the CAN, then pick the BERRIES, BERRIES go inside the CAN. Click the branch to the CAN+BERRIES, it turns to some red liquid. Combine the BOTTLE with the CAN+red liquid. Go to the ground under the fan, see some pills and a triangle. Click the CAN, the red liquid then flow on the triangle. Get away for a while, clicking whatever around a minute, then go back to the triangle, can see 'NEW'. Go to the lower red cabinet, press "NORTH" "EAST" "WEST" + enter, here's the KNIFE.

14) EMAIL ADDRESS: Go to the front side of the stairs (where you can see the white boxes through it). Pick the KNIFE as an item, look at the handle, see the msg 3/5 is written on it. Click the 3rd steps of the stairs until you get another MEMO from the crack in the stairwell. Pick this new MEMO as an item, open it, see an email address on. Pick MOBILE as the item, then click this MEMO with email address, you'll see 'The mail has been sent'.  Close the item, get out from the stairs, again pick the MOBILE as the item and open it, it shows 'There is an incoming message.', click until 'The truth will be revealed'.

15) GO OUT: go to the door, use the KNIFE on the BOARD to remove it.....

Then you'll see the end of the story, it's nuts.... let's just enjoy this 'Free Apps', quite able to kill time ~

Escape Game: The Basement Plot (Free)



點解會睇呢套野呢,只因幾個月前唔記得睇邊套戲個片頭 SELL 緊,之後陸續都有 FRIEND 話呢套野好似幾得,加上強勁既宣傳。結果係點?只可以講係 ﹣ 唔好嘥錢。

坦白講成套戲入面冇個人識,啲熟口面既反而係田啟文, 同做和尚嗰個亞視演員 (但我唔鍾意佢既下場....) 。

預期係一套 3D 情慾片,最後發現去左睇一套3D暴力+血腥既片,真係幾出人意料, 同不知所謂。

總括黎講,呢套野睇唔睇都冇咩所謂...... Dislike!!!


丁太 ﹣ 楊千嬅

讀書時期剛好楊千嬅出道既時代,感覺同佢一齊長大。都幾鐘意聽佢既狼來了,姐妹, 愛人, 等等等等既歌,解釋唔倒原因,只係 ‘鍾意聽’,或者作曲作詞人好似林夕實在太錫佢,好多歌都好似度身訂做比佢唱。楊小姐出道可以話頭十年唱現場水準都唔太好,亦如佢自己當年所講佢冇幾千萬做宣傳,梗加唔係 sell 樣, 所以以前覺得既星途應該都係一直咁上下唔上唔落。佢早期拍既電影例如煎釀三寶,乾柴烈火,花好月圓等等,套套都係狂笑,梗加覺得佢戲裏戲外都係做自己,係好笑,但無咩演技可言。


當日入場睇戲全因星期二平飛,同期又冇咩戲好睇。志明與春嬌中,我見倒既係一個 ‘春嬌’,唔再係楊千嬅做楊千嬅。之後既抱抱俏佳人,都感覺倒佢係投入左個角色,畢竟對住個成日 CHOK 樣既林先佢都忍倒笑,真係好大進步。

自從佢嫁左做丁太,佢越來越靚,可能識打扮左,又或者真係幸福左。一次路經旺角既唱片舖正播緊佢同丁子高响演唱會尾段合唱 ‘世界將我包圍,誓死都一齊’,丁生雖然唱得有啲誇張,但嗰刻有少少感動... 所以真金白銀買左佢演唱會 VCD番屋企睇。演唱會中千嬅唱得好穩定,走來走去唱都無咩走音。

YOUTUBE 無意睇倒千嬅客串黄韻玲音樂會唱 ‘心動’ ,一個大胆既選擇,因為林䁱培版本實在太 attractive,但都唱出佢既味道:

微博有關注佢,先發現藝人既生活極知忙碌,為演唱會日日操練,冇餐好食,仲成日東奔西跑做宣傳,佩服!但丁生同佢間中既 ‘微博’ 傳情,好 sweet, 好 warm。

原來,努力真係有回報。原來,付出係會有收獲。原來,只要信,幸福終有一日會黎。呢啲好似消失左响香港好耐既 ‘傳說’,响千嬅身上見倒。





近年越黎越多朋友用 FACEBOOK,一到生日就好多 Happy Birthday 响個 wall 到,其實見倒都幾開心。雖然 FACEBOOK 有提示話比人知今日呀邊個邊個生日,但見倒都唔一定要有表示架啫。


其中一個朋友順 ‘SMS’ 通知佢大肚了,八月做媽媽,真心恭喜,同時又覺得好唏嘘,呢啲咪叫百感交雜囉。


Morning Glory 晨早兜巴星

有冇人留意, 同一條電影院線,唔同地點價錢都唔同。由於係 UA 同 GH 既 member, 主要都响呢兩間院線睇戲。UA 之中以 MEGA BOX 最抵,會員有折 (年費好似 HKD85,送幾張戲飛同小食部COUPON),呢排買飛仲有 三張十蚊 COUPON 送,仲想點。

由於太抵睇,基本上個個月都睇 GH/ UA 上既八成電影,一個月都去睇幾場戲,冇咩興趣睇既戲都殺,包括呢套 Morning Glory,皆因佢個中文名勁差!

呢套係温馨小品,好多笑位,夏里遜福做得入型入格 ﹣﹣ 好乞人憎  睇完成套戲都唔知解會改個咁既中文名,套戲真係比佢累死!
